We believe that regardless what we do - a footprint is left behind.
Based on your choice of lifestyle you will contribute with a type of footprint you find reasonable.


We are based in Sweden and our production is made at our partner in Grasse, France.
Small things also makes a difference and we only send parcels 3 times/ week from our warehouse.

People in the production chain works under acceptable conditions in accordance with international principles

  • terms and conditions of employment
  • health and safety at workplace
  • standard working hours for employees must be in accordance with national legislation
  • all employees must be treated with respect and dignity
  • the right of employees to join, form or not to join trades union organisations without being subject to reprisals, threats or harassment must be respected
  • child labour
  • forced labour
  • the supplier must comply with the national enviorment legislation of the country where the products are being produced/sourced. This covers for example waste and use of water.
  • health and enviorment

We follow the regulation and standards of the international organisation IFRA which is an organistion that set the restrictions in what amount of what type of materials that is safe to use in a specific type of product.

”The organisations goal is to make the differenece – in every sense: to create fragrances that bring joy, wellbeing and color to people’s lives; to support prosperity through jobs and scientific advances; and to act responsibly – protecting consumers through our Code of Practice and IFRA Standards, and respecting our shared enviorment.”


Our collection is vegan except for Patio that contains beeswax.